Carrie’s Herbal Infused Skincare Cookbook

Uncomplicated Homemade Skincare for Radiant Skin

This series is for those who want to take control of their skincare and confidently create all natural products that work with their skin type and alleviate any skin issues without breaking the bank.


Discover the wonders of essential oils, plants, and skincare ingredients with my memberships! Receive monthly content packed with tips, recipes, ideas, and the incredible benefits of these natural wonders, all delivered right to your inbox. Join me now to start your journey toward healthy, glowing skin.

Here is an example of the content you will get when you become a member.

Monthly Subscriber 1

$4 per month

You will get an email on the 2nd and 4th Fridays of every month on topics such as essential oils, plants, skincare ingredients, ways to use them and what they are useful for.

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Monthly Subscriber 2

$7 per month

You will get the issues from the first tier: You will get an email on the 2nd and 4th Fridays of every month on topics such as essential oils, plants, skincare ingredients, ways to use them and what they are useful for. You will also get 2 issues on a month on nourishing ingredients, and cozy baths.


1st Friday = Nourishing Ingredients

2nd Friday = Oils, Plants & Ingredients

3rd Friday = The Cozy Bath

4th Friday = Oils, Plants & Ingredients

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